2020年3月21日 星期六

家裡的寵物 The Pets in our house




There are two naughty cats in our home, always fighting.
There were two another pets in our home before,one was a dog, the other was a cat.
I love them very much, but them died unfortunately,
The dog that accompanied me for many years died of bone cancer, the cat died of a heart attack.
Then why should we raise them?(Above)
Because, at the time, I was very uncomfortable with no pets, so I also like them very much.

1 則留言:

  1. 可愛的兩隻貓貓!希望看到更多他們的介紹。


My Summer Vacation 我的七年級暑假

 在七年級升八年級的這個暑假,爸爸媽媽決定讓我來學做菜,畢竟我都已經要升八年級了,連燙青菜都不會,頂多也只會煮麵、煎荷包蛋、煮水煮蛋、切水果、做沙拉......等等簡單的料理,但我並不能自己煮一餐,只會這些簡單的料理是不夠的,所以這個暑假,我就開始和家人們一起煮早、中、晚餐啦~ ...